A recipe is not meant to be followed exactly.. It is a canvas on which you can embroider..With these recipes just wave the magic wand in your hands and get into your loved ones heart easily..


Sunday, 7 April 2013


Coconut payasam is one of my favorite Dessert. Desserts is probably the most important of the meal, since it will be the last thing your guests will remember before they pass out all over the table.
We use to make this payasam in our homes for festival seasons like Tamil Varushapirapu,Adi valli,Thai amavassai. Coconut and sugar  blends and gives a good flavour.
Coconut grated-2 cups
Sugar-1 cup

Cordomon-2 no
Raw rice (patchai)-3 spn

Cashewnut-10 nos
1)Soak the raw rice for 1 hour.
2)Add a cup of water gradually and grind coconut with raw rice and cardamon.
3)Boil 1 lr of water.
4)Slowly add the paste and stir well to avoid lumps .
5)After it is cooked well then add sugar little by little.
6)Fry the cashews in ghee and add it to the payasam.
7)The delicious payasam is ready. 

STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS

1 comment:

  1. banana leaf was the best ting 2 serve and also to take a snap :-) :P
